Thursday, April 19, 2012


Blog 7
People are different when they are in groups. According to the article “in groups we shrink” by Carol Tarvis . When people are alone they tend to have a different mindset and respond to things differently than when they are in a group due to the nature of groups and individuals. This is known as ‘’diffusion of responsibility’’ or “social loafing.” The larger the group the weaker every person in it becomes. The people in the group feel as though they shouldn’t take action or control because someone has already done so. I agree with the idea that people in groups have a different mindset and also respond to things differently than someone who is by themselves.
For example I saw a crime show on life time about a lady who got abused by her husbands. There was a group of young guys playing hanging out in the park. They heard a scream and looked over and seen a man beating on a women. They watched in shock. The guy across the street seen what happened took out his phone and called the police, he then ran over there to help the lady .As he ran toward the guy he yelled ‘‘Hey! Stop get off!’’ the husband looked up at him and took off running. After scaring away the husband he stayed there with the unconscious lady and waited for help. The group of guy hanging in the park just stood there in stock as they watched the whole thing and didn’t take action.
A historical example would be Rosa Parks. It started with one voice. Even though many groups of people felt that segregation was unfair they didn’t take action toward justice. Once Rosa Parks spoke out about how segregation was unfair the groups of people then began to take action and started to protest, boycott and fight for justice.
Another example would be when I’m in class I tend to act different from when I go to my tutor session. When I’m in class and my teacher ask questions I don’t answer because I have a different mindset. I become lazy. I won’t raise my hand to answer the question because I would just think some 1 else will say the answer and there’s no need for me to say it. Appose to when I’m in my tutor session I interact and participate with my teacher. When he asks me a question I’ll answer, I respond faster and I also ask questions.
I agree with the idea that people in groups have a different mindset and also respond to things differently than someone who is by themselves because I have seen this in shows, history and personal experience. People by themselves generally respond faster to things. The examples used has shown this idea to be valid.  


At May 10, 2012 at 6:41 AM , Blogger LV said...

Very good structure, but there are editing errors to work on (for instance "When I’m in class and my teacher ask questions")


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