Thursday, March 29, 2012

Blog 5

I use to think that my dad was hero .A man who went away to serve our country .I looked up to him and admired him. I thought he was brave, courageous and bold.

My mom had me living in a illusion as I was growing up. She made up lies thinking that it would protect me from the truth. One day I got into an argument with my older brother and he told me that my dad never went away to serve our country he just wasn’t ready to step up and be a father. I renounce what my brother said. I couldn’t except that for a second he could be telling the truth.

Until I sat down with my mother and she explained to me that everything she told me when I was growing up was a lie. I was living my own fairy tale world until she opened my eyes to reality. She explained to me that he was young and wasn’t ready for the responsibility. From that day on my beliefs of my dad had changed. I viewed him as a coward instead of courageous. He was no longer my hero.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Blog 4

 In the text “The Allegory of the Cave” Plato use this script to observe if humans are aware of the truth past the external aspect of their own world or not. He stated in text that there were people held captive and chained in a cave with very little light. They assumed that the images that went by them were real because that was all they saw. They would watch shadows past by them throughout the day and speak because they heard the echo. A prisoner was set free from confinement and was injured by the sun light. Little by little he became use to the light and seen the actual world. He tried to inform prisoners about the world past their external aspect but they renounced him because he didn’t see the world as they did anymore. This text is an allegory for how tormenting true facts are.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Blog 1

 Advertisements are major and toxic of the mental pollutants .For many reasons, Such as we see advertisements every day 24/7. It  was stated in “Hype” by Kalle Lasn that’s on an everyday bases about “12 billion display ads, 3 million radio commercials and more than 200,000 TV commercials are dumped into North America’s collective Unconscious.” Everywhere you look there are ads.
Another example stated by the author to support this significant idea is the example she gave us about the pumping of the gas. Every time you go to the gas station to pump gas you see an ad on the nozzle. There is no escaping the advertisements for the simple fact that they are everywhere.
Even at my school. I saw an ad in my classroom of a cheeseburger and after brought one. These ads are a major mental pollution. Seeing the ad for a quick second can make you want what you see.This is an example of how ads can be major.

Blog 3

     In the article ‘’Hype’’ Kalle Lasn expressed that advertisements were the utmost common and unknown value to mental pollutants. Due to the fact that you are surrounded by ads from the time that you wake up to the time that you go to sleep. The expansion in commercial ads has occurred so rapidly that we haven’t even realized the ludicrous of it all. These ads are no longer restricted in predicted areas. After reading this article I can agree with the author, the development of ads has arisen swiftly without people realizing the craziness of it.
      The amount of ads surrounding me is outrageous. Ads are no longer circumscribing to particular areas. It is unnecessary to see ad’s while I’m in school. Especially inappropriate ones such as alcohol beverages. Ads are not only everywhere but are also put in areas they shouldn’t be allowed. There are no restrictions on ads. 
      Ads are now even included in my social life. Being unable to use my Facebook without ads popping up or on the side of my screen is quite unfair.  I should be able to use any social network to express my feelings, find new friends, reconnected with old friends and talking about what goes on in the world without looking at pop-ups of different ads. Even as I check my E-mails I see pop up ads and ads on the side of my screen. These ads are so out of control that it started to affect my enjoyment of social networking and internet usage. 
      These commercial ads also stop my enjoyment of listen to music because when I listen to the radio or Pandora I have to listen to all these commercial ads in between songs. The fact that I can’t even listen to my Pandora without the popup ads can be slight frustrating. Since Pandora is a music app on my phone there should be no commercial ads. There should be a restriction on ads in certain places such as this because it can start to affect your enjoyment to listening to music.  
       Ads are the most common and unknown mental pollution that surrounds us and has no restrictions on where they are placed. There should be places that they aren't allowed.All these reasons i have provided in my essay are evidence to support my argument and the authors argument about ads.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Blog 2

Janell Tarver


   In the article ‘’Hype’’ Kalle Lasn expressed that advertisements were the utmost common and unknown value to mental pollutants. Due to the fact that you are surrounded by ads from the time that you wake up to the time that you go to sleep. The expansion in commercial ads has occurred so rapidly that we haven’t even realized ludicrous of it all. These ads are no longer restricted in predicted areas.